In SwiftUI, view modifiers allow you to easily change a view's appearance or behavior.
Text("Hello, world!")
To approximate this in React Native, views are styled using props. Each prop corresponds to a modifier in SwiftUI.
Full List​
Name | Type |
padding | number | boolean | { leading?: number; top?: number; bottom?: number; trailing?: number; ... } |
border | { color?: Color; width?: number; } |
foregroundStyle | Color | Color[] | LinearGradient |
rotationEffect | { degrees?: number; radians?: number; } |
ignoresSafeArea | boolean |
lineLimit | number |
fixedSize | boolean | { horizontal: boolean; vertical: boolean }; |
scaleEffect | number |
shadow | { color?: Color; x?: number; y?: number; radius: number; opacity?: number; } |
background | Color | LinearGradient |
hidden | boolean |
disabled | boolean |
frame | Frame |
zIndex | number |
opacity | number |
tint | Color |
cornerRadius | number |
position | { x: number; y: number; } |
offset | { x: number; y: number; } |
animation | { type: 'spring' | 'easeIn' | 'easeOut' | 'easeInOut' | 'linear' | ...; value: any; } |
contentTransition | 'numericText' | 'opacity' | 'identity' | 'interpolate' | 'symbolEffect' |
labelIsHidden | boolean |
redacted | 'placeholder' | 'invalidated' | 'privacy' |
blur | number |
saturation | number |
grayscale | number |
brightness | number |
contrast | number |
blendMode | 'color' | 'colorBurn' | 'colorDodge' | 'darken' | 'difference' | ... |
compositingGroup | boolean |
mask | string |
clipShape | 'circle' | 'roundedRectangle' | 'capsule' | 'rectangle' | 'ellipse' | ... |
environment | { colorScheme: 'light' | 'dark'; } |
textContentType | 'name' | 'namePrefix' | 'givenName' | 'middleName' | ... |
keyboardType | 'numberPad' | 'phonePad' | 'namePhonePad' | 'emailAddress' | ... |
textInputAutocapitalization | 'never' | 'words' | 'sentences' | 'characters'; |
autocorrectionDisabled | boolean\ |
resizable | boolean |
imageScale | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' |
symbolRenderingMode | 'palette' | 'monochrome' | 'hierarchical' | 'multicolor' |
fontSize | number |
fontWeight | 'ultralight' | 'thin' | 'light' | 'regular' | ... |
font | 'body' | 'callout' | 'caption' | 'caption2' | ... |
bold | boolean |
italic | boolean |
strikethrough | boolean | { isActive: boolean; color?: Color; pattern?: 'dot' | 'dash' | ... } |
underline | boolean | { isActive: boolean; color?: Color; pattern?: 'dot' | 'dash' | ... } |
buttonStyle | 'bordered' | 'borderless' | 'plain' | 'borderedProminent' |
pickerStyle | 'wheel' | 'segmented' | 'menu' |
textFieldStyle | 'plain' | 'roundedBorder' |
listStyle | 'inset' | 'grouped' | 'plain' | 'insetGrouped' |
sensoryFeedback | { feedback: 'warning' | 'error' | 'success' | ...; trigger: any; } |
scrollDisabled | boolean |
onAppear | () => void |
onDisappear | () => void |
Order Matters​
It's important to note that the order of modifiers matters. This is true for SwiftUI and for this library. For example,
<VStack border={{ color: 'blue' }} padding />
produces a different result than
<VStack padding border={{ color: 'blue' }} />
Duplicate Modifiers​
In SwiftUI, duplicate modifiers are allowed since modifiers build on top of each other. To achieve the same effect, we need a special API that allows us to iteratively build up a view with modifiers, while still rendering a JSX element. For this, see the Experimental API section.